Hungarian Cooking Class – Menu D

Chicken Ragout Soup with Tarragon
The soup is very important in Hungarian meal and we eat soup everyday.
The typical Hungarian soups are very rich because they include a lot of ingredients. A good example of this is the Chichen ragout soup with tarragon.
Usually we make this from poultry (turkey or chicken) but it has its vegetarian version as well. It is a light soup with cream that can be made more special adding any kind of vegetables. In addition to carrots and peas you can also add broccoli, beans or mushrooms.
Main ingredients: chicken, dairy product, onion, root vegetables, tarragon, onion.

Hungarian Stuffed Paprika with Tomato Sauce
It is a typical late-summer or early-autumn dish when the ingredients (Hungarian sweet yellow paprika, tomato, celeriac root) are fresh and tasteful. The origin of this dish is most probably the time of the Ottoman empire. This dish is very popular in Hungary, but similar food can be found in our neighbour countries like Balkans. Sweet and salty flavors are mixed in this food. According to the original recipe the suffing is made of minced pork meat.
I use my mother’s recipe who makes the tomato sauce with celery. So in this sauce different tastes are mixed and they give you great gastronomic experience.
Main ingredients: pork meat, sweet paprika, tomato, celery, potato, sugar.

The Strudel was baked already by our grandmothers and by their grand mothers and even by their ancestors. The name comes from the word layered. A long time ago the extra thin layers were not rolled up but placed on one another, sometimes 10 to 12 layers. The filling was put between the layers. The dessert was baked their traditional ovens and the Strudel was served in slices with powdered sugar. It was also called ‘retes-beles’, which means something like layered-filled. Nowadays we put thick layers of filling between the thin strudel layers then we roll it up and bake it.
The typical Hungarian fillings are the sweet cottage cheese with some sour cherries, pumpkin-poppyseed and the sweet cabbage. The last filling sounds a little strange but it is delicious and it is worth trying. On the cooking course we bake 2 versions.
Main ingredients: flour, semolina, egg, dairy products, cabbage.
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