Jewish Cooking Class Menu

Jewish Cooking Course

Amazing Jewish Challah on the dining table

Jewish Eggs With Challah

Challah: It is a Jewish braided bread. There are longish and round versions, but the round ones are made for celebrations.  Some people prefer the salty one while others like the sweet one. On the top we could strew poppy-seed or sesame. The freshly baked Challah has a fine fragrance and it looks perfect.
Jewish eggs: Many houses, many customs – so the saying. And this is especially true for the Jewish egg. Everybody knows it, loves it and makes it in a different way. Great-grandma does not put either chicken or goose liver, the attraction of her version is its simplicity and the added spices.

Main ingredients: flour, egg, yeast, dairy product, onion.

Honey Chicken with Dried Plum Apricot and Boiled Rice on a nice plate

Honey Chicken with dried plum and apricot

This a unique main course which is made for Rosh Hashanah by jewish families. Rosh Hashanah is the jewish new year when they eat honey and other sweets bacause by this the New Year will be sweet and lucky.

It is a real festive food which is very tasty. In our family we really like dishes which mix salty, spicy and sweet tastes on the same plate and their contrast creates a real harmony. This dish is exactly like that.

Main ingredients: chicken, cinnamon, onion, honey, dried plum, apricot, chili.

Rugelach, the Jewish dessert on a nice plate


The Rugelach is a Polish Hanukkah dessert. The original recipe was more modest than today’s version because a long time ago some spoonfuls of sour cream or curd were used, rather than the cream cheese we use today. A lot of people are afraid to make it, although the secret is that you should let it rest overnight. You must taste it!

Main ingredients: flour, egg, dairy product, jam, almond.


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