The famous hungarian carnival was held in Mohács (South Hungary) this year in between 4-9 February.
Busójárás is part of the UNESCO cultural heritage. Busójárás is the same festival in Hungary like carnival in Rio or in Venice. The winter farewell-, welcome spring-party is the tradition of a small ethnic group called “sokac”, who lives next to the hungarian-croatian boarder. Long time ago the festival started on Carnival Sunday and finished Shrove Tuesday. According to the memories the first Busójárás was held at the end of the 18th century.
The uniform of the Busó-s was the same at that time like just today: inverted sheepskin, trousers stuffed with straw, colored wool socks and they wear sandals. They hold clapper or wooden mace in their hands. But the most important is the wooden Busó-mask painted traditionally by animal blood. Some parts of the carnival has changed during the centuries, nowdays it is more a touristic event but the main characteristics are the same.
During this carnival-week the visitors can attend on plenty of programs, they can taste traditional local foods and drinks and they have the chance to chase away the winter with the Busó-s.