Szimpla Piac/ Szimpla Farmers Market in the 7th district
July 22, 2017
In the center of Budapest there is a lovely farmers market where the visitors can buy plenty of home-made foods (vegetables,…
Kitchen Pixies Jam
July 22, 2017
My husband and Marti’s family live in the countryside so luckily we get in every season fresh fruit and vegetables from the…
Dobos cake and Hazel’s birthday
July 22, 2017
Dobos cake is very well known all around in Hungary. It is a Hungarian sponge cake with chocolate buttercream and topped with…
Our everyday cuisine
July 22, 2017
Our guests often raise the question: do you cook everyday at your home? If yes, what do you cook? …
Stuffed Paprika with Tomato Sauce
July 22, 2017
Last weekend I cooked Stuffed paprika with tomato sauce. It is a typical late-summer dish when the ingredients (paprika, …
German apple cake in the middle of apple season
July 22, 2017
The apple and grape season starts just after summer holidays. This means we have a lot of things to do around the house and in…