Kitchen Pixie & The Biscuit “Factory”

We love biscuits! Marti loves the gluten-free version, my favorite is the pure butter biscuit and the oat-flakes biscuits and I prepare it for my family.

We love biscuits! Marti loves the gluten-free version, my favorite is the pure butter biscuit and the oat-flakes biscuits and I prepare it for my family. This is the reason why we were so glad when we received the following request few weeks ago: a pharmaceutical company ordered 600 pieces of biscuits for their partners. They did not set any limitation regarding the biscuits, the only points were to be delicious and to be deliverable as they wanted to give them to their partners on a conference. We started to find out which would be the best for this occassion. My favourite is the oat-flakes biscuit with chocolate drops inside, but we could not use that recipe as this is difficult to deliver. Due to that the vanilla biscuit became to be the favourite. It was so delicious that we were happy when some of them were broken as by this we could eat them:) We hope next time we are going to have an order for our gluten-free version and Marti can enjoy to eat the broken biscuits as well. In the meantime here is an advise for those who are planning to prepare biscuits at home: BUTTER, BUTTER and a bit more of BUTTER!

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