Somlo Sponge Cake

Somlói Galuska (Somlo sponge cake)- “Hungary’s favorite dessert” – Somlo sponge cake is one of the favorite desserts of our guests in Kitchen Pixie, however we serve it only during our private dining programs since it needs pretty long preparation.

 This is an authentic Hungarian pastrie, there is no classic Hungarian pastry shop, WHERE you cannot find this dessert. It is not a very old recipe, but very well-known. The original recipe was found out by one of the main waiter of the famous Gundel restaurant at the end of 1950. The first Somlói was created by Bela Joseph Szőcs pastry chef, who has won the professional prize with this pastry on the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair.Az original recipe of somlói made by 3 types of dough (plain, chocolate, walnuts), the different doughs are mixed with a cream with vanilla, raisins and sugar syrup, whipped cream and chocolate cream are on the top. Nowdays you can find the somlo sponge cake flavour in different types of desserts like ice cream, cup cream, cake or served in goblets as the original one. What Tiramisu means for Italians, this is Somlo sponge cake for Hungarians!

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